General 608 deg 8:1 Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer 5.98 in. L X 1.26 in. W Gray

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Quick Overview
The #IRT207 laser thermometer has the optics and range to handle most applications in HVAC/R, plumbing and heating, electrical, automotive and other industrial jobs.
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5-6 4%$46.82
7-9 8%$45.08
10+ 11%$43.35
Brand Name General
Length 5.98
Material Plastic
Packaging Type Carded
Product Type Infrared Thermometer
Sub Brand
Width 1.26
Batteries Included Yes
Battery Size 9V
Case Included No
Color Gray
Field of View
Laser Pointer Yes
Max Distance-to-spot (DS) ratio 81
Measurement accuracy 3.6F (2C) or 2% of reading (whichever is greater) above 32F (0C); 5.4F (3C) or 2% of reading (whichever is greater) below 32F
Measurement resolution 0.1
Emissivity Fixed at 0.95
Auto power off