Carbide Flail 8 pt. 10 in. Medium Cut Drum for Pro / HP Series

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Note: Only fits HP or Pro DC89G, DC1013G & DC1021G GrindLazer. The GrindLazer DC87G, DC1013G & DC1021G support Wire Brush, Steel Star, Steel Beam, Carbide Flail, Carbide Flat, Carbide-Tipped Miller, Full-Carbide Miller, Diamond, PCD & Carbide Pick cutters. These are fully assembled drums for easy replacement.

Note: Only fits HP or Pro DC89G, DC1013G & DC1021G GrindLazer. The GrindLazer DC87G, DC1013G & DC1021G support Wire Brush, Steel Star, Steel Beam, Carbide Flail, Carbide Flat, Carbide-Tipped Miller, Full-Carbide Miller, Diamond, PCD & Carbide Pick cutters. These are fully assembled drums for easy replacement.